• Trevelyan School (map)
  • Wood Close
  • Windsor, England, SL4 3LL
  • United Kingdom

All women are invited to the next KCI Women’s Network Meeting, in person on Friday 22 September.

Hosted by Pastor Adriana Richards, we are delighted to welcome Lida Castro as our special guest speaker.

Lida is a fashion stylist, personal stylist and make up artist from Colombia, who will be leading a workshop sharing tips and advice as we come into the Autumn season.

So invite all the women you know to join us at this free event for an evening of fun and fellowship together!

Please note: The Friday prayer meeting on 22 September will be at the earlier time of 5.30-6.30pm. Arrive from 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start. There will be free parking at the venue - we encourage lift sharing where possible.

Contact info@kcionline.org for more information.