• Harte & Garter Hotel (map)
  • Harte & Garter Hotel
  • Windsor, SL4 1PQ
  • United Kingdom

We would like to invite you to a free Welcome Reception which is being put on for everyone who has come to the church for the first time in the last few months, or who still considers themselves ‘new’ to the church.

This event is at the Harte & Garter Hotel Ballroom on Sunday 7th April at 12.15-1.30 pm. This is an opportunity to share lunch together, learn more about King’s Church International, meet the leaders, and make new friends in the church. There will be a presentation covering the history of the church and the church’s vision and values, and we will also explain how you are able to get more involved in the life of the church.

Whether you consider yourself a visitor or would like to make King’s Church International your home church, please come and share this time with us. You are welcome to come with friends and family if they are also interested in learning more about KCI.

Please reserve a space for you and any friends or family who will join you at the event. You don’t need to bring your ticket – just turn up and the event will begin after church refreshments have finished. 

Register For Free

If the form below doesn’t work, please register via Eventbrite.