• Theatre Royal Windsor (map)
  • 30-32 Thames St
  • Windsor, England, SL4 1PS
  • United Kingdom

Sunday Services are an opportunity to meet together in a larger group for worship, fellowship, encouragement and Bible teaching. Join us from 9.30-11am at the Theatre Royal, Windsor on Sunday.

On Sunday 24th March we are looking at the theme of Hope and are pleased to welcome many women and guests from the Women of Hope conference at the theatre.

The men will have a separate service at the Harte & Garter Hotel and there will also be programmes for children aged 3-5, 5-9, and 9-13. Both venues have a family room available for parents with children of any age with a live audio feed to the service. Learn more about the programmes for each group at the Kids & Youth page here.

After the service the women are invited to a Women’s Reception which will take place in the Harte & Garter Hotel Ballroom.