• Berkshire


There will be no KCI Windsor Service on Sunday 20th November, instead, we will be meeting in Life Groups across Berkshire. We will be meeting at the locations highlighted below at 9:45am.

Invite your friends and family to join us this Sunday at each Life Group Location.

The KCI London & Online Services will still be happening on Sunday 20th November at 5pm.

If you are unsure where to go this Sunday, you are welcome at any of these venues. If you have any questions, please email hello@kcionline.org

Scroll down to view the images below. You can also find the text version with each address below.


  1. Knolly & Jacqui:​ Chalvey Community Hub, Ladbrooke Road Slough SL1 2SR

  2. Robert & Maria:​ Milride Golf Club, Mill Ride, Winkfield Row, Ascot SL5 8LT

  3. Ed & Nicky:​ New Windsor Community Association, Hanover Way, Windsor SL4 5NW

  4. Tim & Clair:​ Holyport Scout Hall, Moneyrow Grn, Holyport, Maidenhead SL6 2NA

  5. Rob & Vivien:​ Champneys Hall, Horton Slough SL3 9PA

  6. Jamal & Brenda:​ Northborough Housing Co-operative, 101 Pevensey Rd, Slough SL2 1UG

  7. Jon & Hayley:​ Cookham Dean Cricket Club, Ricketts Field, Whyteladyes Ln, Cookham, Maidenhead SL6 9LF

  8. Mike & Jacqui: Drama Room, Trevelyan Middle School, Windsor

  9. Mike & Natasha:​ Clewer Parish Hall 39A Parsonage Lane Windsor SL4 5EW

Thomas & Megan’s, Edward & Joanne’s, Stephen & Shahana’s groups will also be meeting at Kings House, 77A Frances Rd, Windsor SL4 3AQ.

Please note, Children In Life Groups parental consent form must be filled in for under 18s to join. If you would like to find out more, click on the button below for more information. Alternatively please email hello@kcionline.org for more information or speak to your life group leader.