The EU Referendum is taking place on Thursday 23 June. It is an historic and important decision for the UK and one that we as Christians should base on prayer, faith and vision -- not fear.
“[God] has not given us a Spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
A referendum asks you to vote on a question. For this referendum the question is: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?
The EU Referendum is about remaining in or leaving the body of countries that make up the political organisation that is the European Union.
The reason this vote is happening is because there was a major public desire to have a say in the future of the EU. The EU as an organisation has ultimate legal authority over member states and makes many economic and trade decisions on behalf of its members.
If you would like to learn more, please check out About my Vote and the coverage around the UK. King's Church International does not endorse the views on these websites, but we want to enable you to make informed decisions from a broad range of coverage including; BBC, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent, The Leave Campaign, The Remain Campaign.
We encourage you not to just be led by the press -- make sure you are fully educated for your own decision-making.
Voting via post has now closed but you can still vote at your local polling station in person on the day. For more information on this please check out About My Vote.
You will receive a poll card telling you where your polling station is.
Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 23 June.
So, can I vote?
You can vote in this referendum if you are registered to vote in the UK, are 18 or over by 23 June 2016 and are:
A British or Irish citizen living in the UK, or
A Commonwealth citizen living in the UK who has leave to remain in the UK or who does not require leave to remain in the UK
A British citizen living overseas who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years
An Irish citizen living overseas who was born in Northern Ireland and who has been registered to vote in Northern Ireland in the last 15 years
The press and those that are taking sides have resolved to using fear tactics on both sides of the argument. As followers of Christ we are called to approach our decisions very differently. Some of the arguments that have been used frequently are below:
1. Money
Economic change shouldn't be the primary driver for your decision making.
2. Immigration
We are an international church and this means that we should welcome people into this nation. We should not base our decisions on fear of people of different backgrounds entering this country. Many people in King's Church International were born outside of the UK but are now pleased to call it their home.
3. Fear
Both sides 'Leave' and 'Stay' are using fear as a major tactic. Fear of the outsider or fear of the unknown. But God "has not given us a Spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)
As Christians these are the principles that we should base our decisions on:
1. Prayer
Prayer must be the driver in decision-making. What is God's will in this referendum?
2. Faith
God can work a miracle when His will is fulfilled. Exercise your faith and see what God is trying to do with our nation at this time.
3. Vision
We have a vision for a Christian nation with strong Christian values remaining at the core of our identity. We must make decisions that match this vision.
We hope these notes help you to better understand what you are voting about and how to approach your decision. Whatever you decide, please exercise your democratic right to vote in this referendum on Thursday 23 June.