Corona Virus Statement — King's Church Windsor, Slough & Maidenhead

Message from the Senior Pastors

Statement as of Friday 13th March. Please see Government communications for the latest information as it is being updated regularly (links below).

Dear wonderful church,

In common with many churches in the UK and around the world we need to make some changes in response to the pandemic of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

As a church community we need to play our part in being socially responsible at a time of considerable uncertainty and the threat of disease. We want no part of the fear that is causing panic in so many people but need to be both positive and prudent.

As you may imagine we have monitored this situation closely both here and in other nations and have prayed for wisdom. So we are making the following decisions at this moment:

We will meet this coming Sunday with both the morning and the evening service congregations at the Theatre Royal at 9.30am. We are calling this ‘No fear Sunday.’ There will be no Sunday evening service this week.

I plan to speak about how we can position the church to go forward with faith and focus in a time of great pressure. We will outline our strategy in the event of us not being permitted to meet in public meetings for a period.

We do not expect people with flu or underlying sickness to attend.  The elderly should feel free to stay at home and can catch up by listening to the podcast.

  • Despite all the preparation, there will be no street evangelism tomorrow (Saturday) morning. We do not want to put any of our members at risk of becoming infected or of spreading infection.

  • There will be no pre-conference women’s meeting on Monday

  • We are in discussion with the Theatre Royal and our advisors exploring the possibility of postponing the women’s conference to later in the year. We expect an answer early next week.

  • Destiny Training and Life Class will continue this Sunday as will the children’s ministry

  • We will keep future public Sunday services and events under review. At the moment we are planning a morning service next week on Mothering Sunday.

So that’s a brief summary of what’s on and what’s not.

As pastors however we want not just to inform you but also to inspire everyone to live through this season of trial as people whose lives are on the rock of Jesus Christ and on all His teachings and promises. Whatever situation we face, we can know the presence of the Lord.

This is an opportunity to deepen our relationship with the Lord and to let the light and love of Christ shine from our lives.

As a church we can grow closer and stronger as a body of believers so that what was meant for evil can be turned to good.

We are working to connect everybody to a cell group and cell leader. Even if someone can’t attend a cell meeting everyone needs to be connected to other Christians and have a cell pastor/shepherd who is looking out for them.

We need to stay together and to join in fervent and ongoing prayer for the mercy and protection of God on us all, on our nation and its leaders and around the world.

We also value your prayer for us and we send you our love if not kisses, hugs and handshakes at this moment. Please avoid this but keep smiling.

Senior Pastors Wes and Adriana Richards

General Advice At Time Of Writing

Church services

  • Services will run as much as possible, subject to weekly reviews based on latest developments

  • Small-scale gatherings such as small group meetings and other training activities will continue, subject to weekly reviews

  • Leaders are to ensure that precautionary measures are observed at all small-scale gatherings

  • The Theatre Royal have taken extra cleaning measures to ensure the venue is as safe as possible

Stay home if you are:

  • Anyone with a continuous cough OR fever (above 37.8C) must self isolate for 7 days (this includes children) 

    • Anyone with these symptoms who is WELL can just stay at home and does not need to ring 111 or be tested

    • Anyone with these symptoms who is UNWELL should go to 111 online for advice, they must NOT go to the GP, 111 will assess and advise 

  • Are in a vulnerable category group

  • The official guidance is regularly reviewed so please check the NHS website (link below) for any changes

Observe good personal hygiene

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser

  • Avoid sharing food, utensils and personal hygiene items

  • Monitor yourself for flu symptoms and seek medical attention where appropriate

  • Cover your mouth if coughing or sneezing

Staying in touch with the church

  1. Through contact with your small group and group leader

  2. Though emails received from the church

  3. Through church website

  4. Through church social media

Giving online

To keep the church financially strong you may give to:

  • Account 11635558

  • Sort code 16-31-27

  • Reference ‘Tithe’ + Name  or ‘Offering’ + Name

Tithes and offering can be given any time throughout the week.

For official information