At Vision Night we shared 12 habits that we would like everyone to commit to for the coming year.


I commit every area of my life to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, and seek Him first.

I commit to a daily devotional as the foundation of my life and to a lifestyle of prayer.

I commit to being a faithful follower hungry for formation.

I commit to having a spirit of excellence and honour.

I commit to serving wholeheartedly.

I commit to generously and faithfully giving my best offering.

I will commit to live a balanced and contented life.

I will commit to being a person known for my care, encouragement and hospitality.

I will commit to invite people until every small group and service is full.

I will commit to help build and multiply life transforming small groups.

I will commit to mark every generation of my family with blessing.

I will commit to start a revival through romance.

If we want to see breakthrough in 2017, these 12 Habits will be a massive part of our year.