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Family Devotional

It Matters What You Believe

It Matters What You Believe


Over the coming weeks, looking at Acts 2:42 and the example of the early church, we are going to see how strong churches can be built with the help of the Holy Spirit. This week we see that the people were committed to ‘the apostles teaching. We have to be well-taught to be strong Christians because it matters what we believe. As Christians today it is important to know what you believe and that your beliefs are shaped by the teaching of the Bible. The Apostles' teaching was all centred on Jesus, and this was one big reason the church grew strong and very quickly brought great change to the world.

We hope you enjoy discussing as a family this week what you believe. 


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


God's Big Plan for Young People

God's Big Plan for Young People


God has a big plan for young people. We heard about teenagers in the Bible who made a big impact in their nations. The Holy Spirit is for all people - all races, all nationalities, men, women, the old and also the young. All ages can experience the Holy Spirit. Whilst we looked last week at how God wants to use older people, we also see that the Holy Spirit is for young people too! As a church, we believe there is now coming a great new outpouring of the Holy Spirit on young people and that we can see a great revival among young people in the UK, South Africa and the world.

We hope you enjoy the family learning about 4 key characters in the bible this week. 


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


Don't Let Your Age Be Your Cage

Don't Let Your Age Be Your Cage


God wants to work in and through every age group — including children! When we receive the Holy Spirit and are filled with the love of God, we can love, value and respect people of all ages. When older and younger people are united in family life, church life, and in the world, there is great blessing.

We hope you enjoy the family activities this week. 


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


The Holy Spirit's Radical Plan for Women & Men

The Holy Spirit's Radical Plan for Women & Men


Throughout the Bible and history, God has blessed and used so many women, men, girls and boys. The Bible teaches that we are equal before God and that both women and men can be used greatly by God when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. We are all brothers and sisters in the family of God. We need to be a blessing to each other and an example of reconciliation to the world. 

This week we hope you enjoy learning how important both women and men, girls, and boys are.. 


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


It is Time to Love and Stop The Hate

It is Time to Love and Stop The Hate


Jesus taught his disciples to love one another as friends who would lay down their lives for each other. This dream is one that we all need to protect and promote, especially in times of great uncertainly and unrest. Local churches can make a big difference in our divided and troubled world. When people of very different backgrounds live together as the family of God then there is great blessing, healing and hope.

At this moment when there is such an outpouring of hate, we need a great and new outpouring of the love of God. And that means, as we saw last week on Pentecost Sunday, that we need the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

We hope this devotional will help your family to be filled with the Spirit and have valuable conversations with your children about being a people of no race discrimination.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday


Through the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost we can know this amazing power that shows:

  • God keeps His promises

  • God equips His people

  • God releases His power

  • God makes clear his purposes for us to be witnesses in the home, our country, and the world

We hope you and the family have fun and enjoy the experiment and making "Tongues of Fire" headdresses this week.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone


We can know that we are never alone. Jesus promised and sent us a helper who is with us every day — the Holy Spirit. Jesus Himself and the disciples all relied upon the Holy Spirit to relate to God, be part of the family of God, and achieve great things in their lives.

As you learn you are not alone, we hope you and the family have fun and enjoy the obstacle course! 


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


Enjoy God's New World

Enjoy God's New World


There have been many kingdoms throughout history but none can compare to the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is ruled by a loving and Holy God.

When you are part of God’s Kingdom, you can have God’s peace and joy in your heart (Romans 14:17)

In this devotional, we hear about how we can enjoy God’s new world.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


Today is a Day of Good News

Today is a Day of Good News


The best news that we could ever find in life is that there really is a God and that Jesus, God in human form, came to this world to show us God’s love and to help us in all

We read in Luke 4:18-19, as Jesus was starting out His ministry, that He had come to this earth to preach good news, to bring freedom, and to proclaim the Lord’s favour.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


Living With Hope

Living With Hope


In this uncertain time, you can still live with hope in GOD. Hope means to look to the future with confidence and security, and real confidence is based on God and the
promises that He gives us in the Bible.
As we continue to look at the impact of Christ’s resurrection, we see lessons from 1 Peter 1:3-4 about how we can have living hope.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


God Is Nearer Than You Think

God Is Nearer Than You Think


The question 'Where is God in times of suffering and pain?' has often been asked throughout history. In such times there are no easy answers, but you can be confident that God is nearer than you think.

Luke 24 tells us how the followers after Jesus' death on the cross were struggling in different ways: they were depressed, confused and grieving a lost dream. So where was Jesus? And where is God when we need Him? Join us this week as we read this Bible story and find some incredible answers.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


Discovering Amazing Grace

Discovering Amazing Grace


We can discover the amazing grace of God. God never writes us off, He never gives up on us, and He has done everything we need to be saved.

In Ephesians 2:4-10, Paul — who used to do everything he could to stop Christians — was given a second chance and became one of the greatest sharers of the Gospel around the world.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


God's Not Dead

God's Not Dead


We continue with the Easter story and the good news of when the tomb was found empty. The death & resurrection of Jesus had a great impact on three characters in the Bible; Mary, Peter & Thomas. Join us as we find out more.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page and use the tag #KCIKIDS.


What Easter Means To Us

What Easter Means To Us


This week we have an Easter bumper pack for you. Along with the normal devotional guide and resources we have put together a longer video for you to watch together as a family. The video below includes a treasure hunt which you can find here. This will need to be prepared prior to watching the video together.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page.


How To Know God's Presence In A Big Storm

How To Know God's Presence In A Big Storm


Together with our assistant leaders Jabez & Esther Smith we have put together the first Family Devotional Guide for you this week. We hope you enjoy doing this together as a family.


It has been great to hear your positive feedback on our family devotional guide. Please do share your experiences & pictures of you doing the session with your family on our KCI Instagram page.