Pentecost Sunday is a special day of celebration for all Christians.  We celebrate the birthday of the Christian church when the Holy Spirit suddenly came in wind and tongues of fire appeared on the disciples.  They were speaking in different languages and speaking God’s message of what he was going to do.

People from all over the land came running to see what was happening and could hear the disciples speaking in their own language about God’s salvation for them.  They were so amazed that by the end of the day the church had grown from a small group to 3000 committed believers.

The Holy Spirit who came in great power on the first disciples 2000 years ago is also at work in our world today.  We can have the Holy Spirit move in our lives, our family and in the church in a new way.  The Holy Spirit is not just for a few special people but for every Christian who has turned from their sins to follow Jesus.  You can also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

We hope you enjoy the activities as a family this week and you all receive the Holy Spirit.


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