In 2018 we celebrate 75 years since King's Church International was founded. While we are able to look back and celebrate all God has done in the past, it is now a time to look to the future and dream bigger dreams for what God is going to do. You can listen to the podcast introducing this topic or read the summary of why we should dream big dreams below.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Dreams and visions are a biblical principle. In the Bible, God showed Abraham a vast vision of the future, recorded in Genesis 15:5-6; "He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness."
God showed a teenager called Joseph that he would one day become a very powerful ruler. His brothers intended harm when they called him ‘that dreamer’, yet one day they saw the amazing fulfilment of Joseph’s dreams.
The founder of King's Church International, Billy Richards, a Welsh ex-coalminer who had no money and no human backing came to Slough with a dream. He started this church over 75 years ago in the June of 1943 with just five people but he believed that one day the ministry of this church would touch the world.
When Jesus came to earth he initiated a new world order that would replace old religion. He shook up traditions and long-held perceptions and spoke of how every life can be changed no matter what a person’s past history had been. Jesus also had a dream of how his few handpicked disciples could go out into a hostile world to establish the eternal kingdom of God in every nation.
Within one generation of Jesus' resurrection, in just 25-30 years, Christianity spread rapidly throughout the Roman empire, affecting major cities like Corinth, Ephesus and Rome and winning many thousands of followers. The church of Jesus started small but grew exponentially.
What could a church and a people achieve with God’s help, in this next quarter century? Today the time is ripe for a great spiritual awakening in this nation, and we want to play our part in it. This summer we will look at an outline of what is coming in our future; New Beginnings, New Anointing, New Commitment, New Praise & Worship, New Influence, and New Growth. Learn more at our Dream Bigger series hub.