We had a fantastic 2017, with many great achievements and milestones reached. You can read (and watch) more about that in our Year in Review 2017.
We have also been challenged at Vision Night 2018 to sing again, stretch out, and strengthen. You can listen to the special edition podcast and read the key message on the blog to catch up on all that was shared.
We have a very clear set of goals to ensure that we achieve all that we're called to this year. We need to keep these goals in our hearts and on our minds.
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.”
To have 2,000 people in both KCI Windsor & KCI Robertson
To complete 12 teams of 12 disciples for men and women
Have a minimum of 100 groups that have 10 or more membersmeeting every week in line with the vision of the church
Fill the theatre with 620+ people every week at the 09:45 service and always invite and integrate new people
Start multiple services at the Harte & Garter and other venues
Focus on outreach in Windsor, Slough, Thames Valley and London
Run expanded conferences for women and men
Work for growth in the UK with other churches and see 1,300 delegates at the G12 UK conference, with 650 from KCI
Get our own building
Tithes & Offerings £875k
Vision Offering £250k
Building Fund £2m