
Buggies are not allowed in the seating areas for safety reasons. Please ask a steward to direct you to the buggy storage area on the ground floor, where they need to be collapsed and stored.

Baby Changing Facilities

Baby Changing Facilities are available in the Parent Room, and on the ground floor close to the buggy park. Please ask a steward to direct you.

Parent Room

A Parent Room is open throughout the service for you to use with children aged 3 and under. A live link to the main service is provided, together with toys and changing facilities. You can access this room from the Foyer.

Creche and 3s-5s

There will be programmes running for both of these age groups in separate rooms which you will be directed to.


A programme for children aged 5-11 runs throughout the service. Registration opens at 9.30am in the Circle Bar, upstairs.

If your child needs you during the service

If your child is distressed or disruptive during their time in crèche, 3s-5s or 5s-11s, we will notify you via a message on the multi-media screen which will also be visible in the Parent Room.